

Here’s what’s cookin’ …

Hungerhost was started as a side project and quickly turned into a full time gig. With over 15 years experience in the IT world, we strive to offer the best web hosting experience you will ever find. We aren’t some giant faceless company. We are small and personal, the way it should be. Our business structure isn’t setup for max profit and growth, it’s setup for maximum reliability, management, and ease of use. We will give you the same features as the big boys, but with a personal touch.

No SLA? Nope! In our experience SLA guarantees of 100% uptime are not possible. Once you get into the details of most of those, you find that they are riddled with exceptions. We don’t want to hide behind techno-jargon and loopholes.  If something breaks we scramble to get things running as fast as humanly possible. That is our promise and our guarantee.


How do we compete with mega-franchises?

We wondered that as well, so we decided to find out how “unlimited” those packages actually are. We investigated and discovered something fishy …

Rep: “Well … its a shared server so that much info would cause problems all around. its “unlimited” based on user average …

Notice how unlimited is in quotes? We tried other places as well and got similar answers. The old adage, you get what you pay for, is true with web hosting just like anything else. The problem with the giant cheap companies is they attract tons and tons of customers. What this means is you may end up on a server crammed to capacity that runs slow.

With so many clients, support can be slow and unhelpful. On top of that, you are sharing a server with thousands and thousands of domains. Guess who else is attracted to cheap hosting with unlimited bandwidth – spammers. What that could mean for you is your IP address is listed as source of spam, causing delays and frustrations for both you and the people you are mailing.